Laughter is the best medicine, don’t you think? My daughter and I got a good dose of it on Christmas day. With unseasonably warm weather in Washington, DC, we went outside and had some great laughs as she took pictures of me with the camera Santa bought for her. Here’s one of them.
I Laugh. A lot.
I’m not a model, but I love pretending to be one, and this cracks my daughter up.
When I strike a new pose like I mean it, I hear her snickering behind the lens, and she comments on how cute she thinks I am.
I realize I probably look ridiculous, but that’s what makes it fun.
We laugh together, and life just gets more fun every single day.
I have read that laughing releases feel-good brain chemicals that can even help relieve pain. In that case, as most of my friends know, nothing on my body should ever hurt.
In other news, I’m super bad at accessorizing, mainly because it takes extra time. Even so, I think I need a necklace with this blouse, don’t you? What kind should I get?
Best and success,