Da-Nay Macklin
Donna Maria is Fun, Fabulous, and FREE…Freely designing life on her terms! Free with flexibility that many envy instead of creating. She has continuously invested both personally and professionally building a solid financial foundation to support her CEO lifestyle. For over a decade she has passionately been assisting others in creating their CEO lifestyle too. Donna Maria continuous perfecting and evolving the formula for success which is evident the Indie Business Network.
Donna Maria is much more than a ball of fun rather a ball of fire! She continues to trail blaze…blazing paths and creating new opportunities for all within her network. I’m blessed to call Donna Maria friend and colleague. It is such a delight to see her cast a vision, and within a matter of hours seeing it made manifest. Last but certainly not least. Her greatest enjoyment is evident in her parenting. Her CEO lifestyle affords her little loves (her children) the luxuries life has to offer. Donna Maria is the real deal Lifestyle CEO!

Donna Maria
Da-Nay Macklin
Da-Nay Macklin International
