I have been affiliated with the 48 Days Eagles entrepreneurial and career coaching community since 2015. I am drawn to it for many reasons, one of which is that it is a great complement to my belief as a Lifestyle CEO that one can successfully integrate life and business without compromising either. The other reason is because I am drawn to the community founder and leader, Dan Miller.

Last month, Dan was diagnosed with an aggressive form of advanced stage pancreatic cancer that spread into his liver and bones. A few days ago, he received his next assignment.
Recently, Dan shared this video with us. It is the single most outstanding example of entrepreneurial legacy I have witnessed to date, and I wanted to share it with you.
Here are a few things that resonate with me.
1. Gratitude
Rather than spend what he knew would be the last few days of his life feeling angry or despondent, Dan was grateful that he’d received advance notice of his next assignment. He used that short period of time, just over a month, to connect deeply in relationship with his wife, three children and 16 grandchildren. Rather than fight or surrender to it, he seemed to embrace it. I find that inspiring and amazing.
2. Celebration
Dan used the short time he had left to give the people who loved him a chance to celebrate him while he was still here. He made the above video and recorded a final podcast episode.
He established a memorial page so that everyone he ever touched could write celebrations to him. His family members read these to him during his last days. I imagine they must have been a comfort to him and everyone who knew and loved him.
u0022You can find or create work and a life that is purposeful, fulfilling and profitable.u0022 – Dan Miller Thank you Dan Miller – a tribute @48daysteam #lifestyleceo Share on X3. Legacy
Through his podcast, books, social media feeds, online communities, physical events, speaking engagements and so much more, he poured himself into the lives of 48 Days members, students, readers, event attendees and followers.
The legacy he left are the principles, lessons and takeaways he shared with us, and we are now privileged to share them with others.
As Dan said in the video, “You can find or create work and a life that is purposeful, fulfilling and profitable.”
That’s a legacy I can stand behind. Through my work as founder and CEO of the Indie Business Network, I am actual living proof of it.